Newman - A town of Resource

Newman is 1186km north of Perth on the Great Northern Highway in the heart of the East Pilbara region of Australia's North West.

The Eastern Pilbara is one of the most isolated regions in Australia. Temperatures in summer time hover around 40°C and the weather often changes without warning. In years gone by, these conditions would make traveling to this part of the world attractive to few. Of course nowadays times have changed and there are many modern conveniences to make your journey safe and comfortable, but even so, there are still a few things that are important to keep in mind when traveling in the Pilbara.
Newman Visitor Centre - Where the adventure begins
Travelling to Newman by Air
Newman Visitor Centre - Where the adventure begins Qantaslink, Virgin-Blue and Skywest all operate services from Newman to Perth, connecting to destinations throughout WA and Australia. From Newman Airport, a 10 minute taxi ride will take you right to the heart of town. You can find out more details on flying to Newman by contacting the airlines directly.

Qantaslink Newman Flight Information 13 12 23
Qantas (Missing Baggage and Reservations) 13 13 13
Virgin Blue Flight Information 13 67 89
Skywest 1300 66 00 88
Manager Airport Services (not for airline enquiries) 08

Travelling to Newman by Car
Newman Visitor Centre - Where the adventure begins Depending on where you are traveling from, there are a number of major arteries leading to Newman. The best place to organize your trip is here at - Travel Mate.

They will provide you with an exact time and distance report and best route - Simply select 'Get Directions' and enter in your details.

Driving in Western Australia

Once you have your route planned it is important to bear in mind a few things when traveling in Western Australia, particularly traveling within the Pilbara.

Distances are usually quite long, so always make sure you have enough water for you and your travel companions. While there are many modern service stations along the way, make sure you always have more than enough fuel for your journey as some service stations may not have the type of fuel you require or be closed.

Where possible, avoid driving at dawn, dusk and at night as these are the times in which our wildlife is most prolific on the road.