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Posted by Lorraine Groombridge (Australia)
September 11, 2009, 12:38 pmVisitors Guestbook

" We are coming over to Newman in 2010 and would love to know more about your town."


Posted by Yvonne (Australia)
November 17, 2009, 12:37 pmVisitors Guestbook

" I am soooo proud of dear Mere - she is doing such a fantastic job managing the Newman VC - I used to Manage the Centre - it is wonderful to see it going from strength to strength! It takes special people to make that happen.....go girl!!!!!!!The Newman VC will ALWAYS have a very special place in my heart......thank you for the memories, the good times and the victories......YUP the pain tooo! Y xx"


Posted by pamela maree grima (australia)
May 7, 2009, 4:00 pmVisitors Guestbook

" I lived in Mt newman 1970 to 75 two of my 3 daughters were born at the newman hospitalI loved Newman the country surrounding mt whaleback truly gets in the blood well it did mine. I think there were about 5o different nationalitys living at newman life was peaceful. I recently visited my daughter "


Posted by Chris Green (Australia)
May 10, 2010, 6:37 amVisitors Guestbook

"Was there as a young man back in 1970 to 1972.Started off as a Fitter in the Main Workshop then as a Leading Hand at the Crushers. Ended up as a Drill Rig Maint.Foreman on the Bucyrus Erie 60R Rigs and Ingersoll Rand DM3's. The town was JUST getting started then. Very much a "single man's town" then. Now that i am gainfully retired, am interested in going back for a look which i hope will be about July this year. Have a few story's to tell about THAT place."


Posted by Nicole Rice (Currently Spain)
March 8, 2010, 1:14 amVisitors Guestbook

" Hola, everyone, love the website, missing Newman like crazy, Spain is great, but it is not my Newman, showed all my Spanish friends, they all want to visit now, so if any tourist from San Sebastian Spain come thru, look after them for me, I love you all and miss you Newman heaps. Besos "